Interview Broker

Program Coordinator Corner – October 2017

Dawne M. Vowler
Endocrinology & Metabolism Fellowship Coordinator
T32 Training Grant Manager
University of Michigan

Interview Broker
This was the second year that we used Interview Broker (IB) to during the recruitment process. I heard about IB from other PCs here at the University of Michigan, who had much larger programs, sometimes with hundreds of interviews to schedule. I was unsure if it was necessary for smaller Fellowships. I tried it, and I love it! IB saves time for almost all program sizes, as it takes out the “middle man” (you) and lets the process take care of itself.

How it works:
Set up an account in IB
Set up a “Campaign” – interview dates/times, etc.
Compose invite letter in IB
Download addresses from ERAS into IB (ERAS has an auto link – so easy!)
Invite candidates (more can be invited at any time)
Sit back and relax, as they will set up their own interview dates, change them, cancel them, etc.
If I include my email in the invite letter (suggested) the candidates can contact me with further questions. I only hear from a small fraction of them with minor questions.
The first emails I have to send out to candidates myself are to send them itineraries, directions, etc. for the actual interview day.
At any time, I can log in and see “at a glance” how many slots are open, filled, applicants invited, etc.

Less contact with the applicants?
Maybe but only in the “non-essential” stage of setting up dates. The important contact times of sending an individualized itinerary, the actual interview day, and post interview still exist.
Biggest endorsement for applicants?
In this day and age, the applicants are used to doing almost everything electronically – shopping, communicating, etc. – so they prefer to schedule interviews this way. Also, they are often working in the hospital, during business hours, so they can schedule the interview in the middle of the night with IB.
Worth the cost?
Yes! Cost is based on numbers of emails sent, so size of program matters. Time saved is also somewhat commensurate to size of program. I saved many hours and dozens of emails and phone calls back and forth to applicants!!

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